Years Of Instants

A 4-post collection

Anthology Pending

I have immense trouble with sequential numbering. Anyone with the right amount of search chops plus my archives will be able to tell you that.

So of course I'm going through the latest Year of Instants to be absolutely, positively certain that I have all my ducks in a row.

Alarming discovery #1 - I somehow have three hundred and sixty-eight chapters when I should have three hundred and sixty-five.

Alarming discovery #2 - I somehow missed putting in an entire story so that's just one more for the previous pot.

Today's story will be delayed because I'm fixing my counting accounting. Thanks for your patience.

Brace yourselves

I finally finished 2015's year of Instants [now currently in the editing stage, coming out soon to a Smashwords near you] and I begin on this year's Leap Year of Instants because it's a leap year this year.

Which means a whole new brace of serial numbers and some confusion to new readers. It's OK. The numbering system is mostly for me. And they're a fairly unique identifier so there's no such thing as two stories with the same title and number.

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Specially gathered and collated for your convenience. All prior spelling mistakes and errata corrected for your comfort.A minimum of three...

Specially gathered and collated for your convenience. All prior spelling mistakes and errata corrected for your comfort.

A minimum of three hundred and sixty-five stories per anthology.

Stories carefully crafted from prompts submitted by people like you!

No challenge is too great. No prompt too stumping. No injury too dire to stop this author from cranking out yet another instant story from your prompts!

What would you pay for an anthology of this quality? $25? $10?

Well you can! You can own

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