Disruption to (ir)regular seervices

Yes, once again, life interferes with my PLNs. This time, it's getting into the inner circuit at Chaos' school so I can help with her learning at home. To that end, I'm turning up to assist at an excursion for her class.

Which means that most of this morning will be eaten up by Parenting instead of my usual faffing about on the internets.

I also have a NEW new keyboard with a programmable light interface :D Which means double the typos and a dash of nerdiness. Yes, folks. Once again, I have made my mouse and keyboard glow blue, except for a few keys that have some "green matter" powering them ;)

The old new keyboard went straight to Mayhem, who is enjoying it immensely.

The only downside is that this spifftastic keyboard is LOUD. The keys make a lot of noise, but not as much as the old-fashioned ribbon typewriters. It does let people know when I'm actually working, but still not when I'm thinking about what I'm going to type.

I have to pack some food and beverage for myself. And through some miraculous foresight, I invested in a can of Zero Ultra Monster, "in case I needed it". And going out and doing stuff with people definitely drains my batteries. It's the best-tasting sugar-free energy drink on the market, IMO, and I am going to NEED it by the time the day is done.

But for you, my dear readers, it means that everything is going to be LATE. The Instant will likely happen much later in the day than you're used to. On the plus side, I will be taking my lappy with me for the "hurry up and wait" part of the day.

I'll TRY to cram in time for my Instant, but the odds are not in my favour.

I thank you for your patience.