I can’t art. It’s obvious.
Alas, I also lack the resources to purchase pro-level art for a book that will never pay me back.
My usual design consultant [aka best-beloved SO] is too busy to help me before the October 4 publication date.
So. Speaking as someone who lacks design skills to everyone who actually has them: What do I need to do to make this cover look cool?
My goal is simple, but slightly “off”. Like a Penguin Classics cover from an alternate dimension. You remember how they had the title and some old etching art with a crappy colourisation job on the cover? Something like that, with a hint of eldritch.
That’s why I put the shadow effects on the title, to make it look like it was about to float away from the cover.
As always, I insist that my name is in a smaller font size than the title.
Hints and tips appreciated, peeps. Just remember I have limited Photoshop skills [I moebius’d the front wheel of the bike myself :D It took me five hours and fifteen goes.] so if you’re going to get technical, break it down to the For Dummies version :)
I wanted a title font that looked slightly unhinged. Better suggestions also appreciated. Thanks in advance for all your help.
What would you do to make this look cooler?