
My birthday is this Tuesday, so we're having a little mini-party today. Cake, family, and presents. Nothing huge, hugely expensive, or extravagant.

I still count that trip to Tucson in March as a late-Christmas/early-birthday present combo. That was a budgetary blowout of epic proportions. Therefore anything extra today is a blessing.

Beloved has promised me something I will enjoy but they will probably regret. I have to confess to being interested in seeing what the heck it is. And then try not to be regrettable about it.

I have no idea what it is, but I'm betting -knowing Beloved as I do- that it's something (a) cool (b) heinously expensive and (c) something related to cleaning the house that will possibly disappoint.

But there will be cake. And unsuitable food galore. And me paying for it for the rest of this year.

Parties are cheat days. No exceptions.

Meanwhile, I have laundry to get on the line while the sun still shines.