Ethical Heroism

Sam, Scott and defeating monsters while keeping one’s dignity.


The alleged victim was a monster. Scott had no doubt, because he was privy to a lot of stuff that the prosecution’s lawyers had managed to get removed from this trial.

The exact kind of monster who sued his victim.

Things were looking very bad, especially since his mutant defendant looked like a cross between a warthog and cthulu. Jurors judged by appearances, and none of Sara’s magic style advice could help a face full of tusks and tentacles.

Even Glee was lost for tactics.

“I saw the file,” said Sam. “Need some fatherly advice?”

“I need a miracle,” said Scott. “Got one of those in your time lord pockets?” It was an in-joke. Sam had an astounding amount of useful things concealed in his pockets.

“I’ve faced down monsters like this in the courtroom before,” he said, “The only thing you can do is make them out themselves as monsters.”

“Sara would do a job on him.”

“Sara, thankfully, is in Australia and can only blog about this. You might want to check her Tumblr.”


“Lots of publicly available information. Free from legal censorship. Why, any idiot with Google could find it.”


“Just look it up,” Sam smiled.

He did, with Glee shoulder-surfing. It was amazing what could be found in the age of over-sharing.

“Ding,” said Glee, “Ding. Ding. We have a winner.”


It was his first win with the victim going off in chains for a rightfully-deserved lifetime stint in Solitary. And, thanks to Kurt and his famous tail, he could hug a scared fifteen-year-old with tentacle hair and not gag. Or flinch.

“There’s some people who’d like to meet you, Tammy.”

Kurt, Sara, and Greer. All without their holograms on. All in street clothes. Sara had finally stopped growing at 6'1", and conspired to look like she’d just stepped off a catwalk wherever she went.

Tammy tried to hide behind her hands, which were not adequate to the task. “They’re all too beautiful.”

“Nonsense,” said Kurt, turning on his charm. “The rest of the world is too ugly. We can take you somewhere safe, where you can learn anything you want to.”

“I… don’t know…”

“Sweetie,” cooed Greer, “You’re still too young to live on your own, yet. Xavier’s will at least help you to gain confidence in the face of prejudice. And give you real-world life skills.”

“And we’re really prepared for mutant babies,” said Sara.

Tammy clutched at her middle protectively. “You’re not going to take–?”

Sara bought out her holoviewer. “Here’s my family and I. Todd’s the handsome one with the goatee.”

And, Scott noticed, completely overpowered by a four-year-old entranced by Princesses and Ponies.

Tammy giggled behind her hands. “Nice ribbons.”

“Soshanna thought so,” said Sara. “Would you like something to eat, before we go? Or to go before we go? I know most potential students like to book at warp nine, but biology wins in your case.”

For the first time, Tammy was making a decision on her own. “Well. I do need to pee…”

“Need an escort?”


Not much of a beginning, he thought as he watched them leave. But then, he couldn’t exactly criticize.

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