Challenge #00819-B088: True Words

Beware the happy person with power tools.

There was a sign over the door to the maker-space. Warning: Happy people with power tools inside.

Shayde thought it was a joke until she stepped in. Sure, it had been a few years since she got together with fellow nerds and a bunch of tools to create something. At least, in subjective terms.

In real-time terms it had been closer to five hundred years.

The very concept of maker-spaces had changed while she was away. It wasn’t nerds with jig saws, hot glue guns and sewing machines, any more. It was nerds with three-dimensional printers. Nerds with full-out forges. Nerds with sketchpads talking to nerds with devices she couldn’t even fathom.

Someone, in a corner, was working on a fully-functional battle armour.

Somehow, her idea of a Mew-Mew Puffy Sama lolita dress wasn’t all that ridiculous, any more.

“First time?” said one of the local nerds.

“Sort of. Me an’ me mates used tae take over a garage or a sewin’ room in th’ day… This is…”

“Yes?” the local nerd grinned in anticipation. They liked freaking out the Mundanes. Even when the Mundane in question was a six-foot-tall shadow elemental.

“Heaven,” she sighed.

This was not the right answer. And now, somehow, she had become the Alpha Nerd.

She rubbed her hands in glee. “Show me tae th’ cuttin’ tables…”

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