Challenge #00770 - B039: Ancient Writings

Bring it the fuck on = Eam non valent, in (Eng->Lat)

[AN: My google translate disagrees and provides “adducet eam ad irrumabo” I trust any latin nerds in my audience will settle the debate]

Of all the things that could have possibly sated Shayde’s wanderlust, exploring he less popular areas of the station seemed the safest and least bother. What Rael hadn’t known at the time was Shayde’s capacity for finding adventures.

“Ey oop! Humans have been here.” Her sharp-toothed grin was a clear indicator that adventure was about to happen. “It’s real old, ye ken.”

“Really?” Rael did his utmost to show as little interest as possible.

“Aye, it’s in Latin. Near as I reckon, this were left behind somewhere by a pre-Alliance human colony. Or a bunch'a real nutbars.”

“Either is likely. Can we stick to the main corridors, please? Going down the path less travelled is what got us in this mess.”

Shayde turned to face him, gesturing at the ancient message, “But it says ‘bring it the fook on’. How can ye resist tha’?”

“Easily,” explained Rael. “I just walk away. Observe.” He picked a path based on the right-hand rule and began moving away.

“Three dead ends and a doorway tae the Glunk,” she warned.

He could see two of those. “You’re a daily reminder of why I hate magic.”

“Glad tae know I do somethin’ for ye every day.” She loosened the lock with a metallic squeal of protest. The door groaned as it opened.

Beyond was a rather dismal hall with another door. And beyond that…

A tastefully appointed…


Dusty and musty drawing room.

Relief fought a losing battle with disappointment. “And here I was thinking you’d lead me through a fight with some forgotten tribe who’d been living independently on this station until we blundered into their territory.”

Shayde laughed. “Na. I’m savin’ that fer twenty rooms on.”

It was hard to tell when she was joking until it turned out that she was.

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