Challenge #00690 - A325: The Treasure

A Gyiik discovers the food Elvis ate.

Vic reached hungrily for the cellulose sheet.

“Ut,” said the Archivaas Tiel, drawing it back to her body. “Payment first. I know how you Gyiiks get with new recipes. I learned after the first time.”

“My apologies,” Vic the Gyiik began to lay out her money. “Two Months plus hazard pay… and a voucher card for two Years’ worth of free meals at Unsuitable Food Eat.”

Someone in the neighbouring booth whistled backwards. This was high-stakes stuff.

Archivaas Tiel slid over the single sheet.

Vic read in awe[1]. “A quarter cup of creamy peanut butter… that’s… milled peanuts, super-fine. Mm-hm. Eight slices of home-style white bread. Have to make that ourselves, no commission kitchen will do that any more… Mmmm… Two large bananas… yes… Eight… slices of bacon and two tablespoons… butter.” Vic read the method. “Sandwiches… then fried in the butter…” She looked up. “This man ate this as a snack?”


“Was he possessed by Kürmaan, the spirit of Famine?”

“No. He was just a big eater.”

“And he did not perish from a rupture of the stomach?”

“Drug abuse.”

Vic boggled. “Truly… humans are a dangerous species.”

[1] Recipe courtesy of Mr Food.

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