Challenge #00532 - A157: Pee Ode

On a scale of one to “I will invent a time machine explicitly for murdering your parents,” how mad do you think [person] is? – RecklessPrudence

“Ambassador Z0rk? He’s always tetchy.”

“That’s tetchy?” Shayde boggled. “Remind me never tae get him PO'ed.”

“Pee… ode?”

“Pissed off. Angered. Riled. Bluidy furious.”

Humans. They were equally confusing in any temporal zone. At least she wasn’t mysteriously speaking of uric poetry. “Ambassador Z0rk has had something of a grudge against organic life since his before elevation.”


“He started off as a shipping drone. Apparently, a Nae'hyn Hitchhiker decided to twiddle with him and… now he’s part of the AIA.”

“The Artificial Intelligence Alliance. Got it.” Shayde paused to inspect the graffiti in a registered graffiti zone. “Ere. Ain’t he the feller who chucked oot th’ Consortium o’ Steam fer bein’ too human?”

“Yes. That was him.”

“Fook. Feller’s go’ his virtual knickers in a twist.”

That was the singular best description he had ever heard for Ambassador Z0rk in his life. He’d have to pass it on to Sherlock.

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