Challenge #00402 - A037: First Resort of Fools

Ahh, the eternal paradox: A quick wit is best accompanied by quick reflexes, but a dull wit is best complemented by a sharp blade. – RecklessPrudence

“Ey up. Here’s trouble.”

Rael followed her line of sight. There were two of them. A big, burly lump of a biped who, because he wore grey clothes meant to wear hard, had to be the enforcement. Accompanying the cogniscent mountain was a smaller, lither being who, despite being reptilian, could only be described as “weaselly”.

If the little one could not convince them to part with their money, the big one would find a way to take it from them.

“So do you have a way to get out of this that won’t get us in trouble with the local law enforcement?” That last qualifier, knowing Shayde as he did, was vitally essential.

“Yeah. One.”


“Convince th’ mook that the brains is bad for him wi'out wakin’ the brains up to it.”

“And that’s a good plan?”

“Na, but it’s the best one I got.”


It was later. A messy murder had happened and he had to linger with Shayde to give witness statements.

The ‘Mook’, as Shayde called him, turned out to be an illegal Uplift, tailored to attack on command. How Shayde managed to trick his owner into saying that command when his big, muscly pet was facing him, Rael would never know.

And he’d witnessed it all.

His name was Tiny, and he was rocking in place and asking his 'Boss’ to wake up.

Things like that should never happen to a marsupial.

Cogniscent Rights had him in their custody, now. They would find him a better home. Train him out of attacking. Socialise him.

“Puir little fella,” Shayde lamented.

“No, you are not allowed to take him home,” Rael pre-empted.

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