Challenge #00399 - A034: Creative Critiquing

An excellent “non-sequitur, thud”. 8.4, minus a 0.5 because you didn’t faceplant into the convenient messy food. 

When one has a real, live almost-human from Earth’s twentieth century as a resource, one can expect a certain amount of things. Revivals, for instance. Things got dredged up from the extensive lists of entertainment footage in possession of the Archivaas. T-shirts made a comeback when they really should have stayed away.

Disco came back from the dead.

And, thanks to Shayde, so did Vaudeville.

On the upside, he was earning quite a bit of his recordings of her reacting to things she watched and/or listened to. It never ceased to amaze Rael how people would fall over themselves to gain access to a recording of someone talking over a ‘movie’.

The downside was, in order to gain the profit, he had to spend time 'cozied up’ to Shayde.

Popcorn helped, but not enough.

This example was a series of skits with people pretending to be robots. The makeup was effective, as was the mime, and this one had some degree of technical difficulty, owing to the fact that it was shot inside a mansion that did not actually exist.

“I have a ques-tion,” said the designated ditz of the crew.

“And what would that be?” asked the straight man.

“Why is pea-nut but-ter?”

The straight man, naturally, malfunctioned and impacted a food-filled table, face first.

“Excellent non-sequiteur-thud,” said Shayde. “Eight point four. Minus point five fer missin’ the convenient, messy food.”

“To be fair, they would also miss out on two more hours’ of applying makeup,” Rael felt compelled to point out.

“Aye, there is that. This lot’re still low-budget. 'Studio time is valuable, darlin’.”

Great. Yet another reference he’d have to look up and annotate for the Archivaas. Not that it didn’t pay well, but… Just once, he’d like to have a conversation with her that didn’t involve research.

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