Challenge #00390 - A025: Ferocious Flavour

Something about the other alien species and the sheer amounts of food that humans eat that would digest us alive if we didn’t digest them first. Maybe a human explaining why we want that legalised to be imported on to a space station (because nobody likes eating nothing but space bran flakes)

“Council will hear…” T'rev moaned. “The Human Coalition.”

“As secretary of the Human Coalition on this station, I receive numerous petitions and pleas to add some variety into station-side food.”

“Your nutritional needs are already met in full.”

“Yes,” and that was the sticking point. “We acknowledge this, but humans get bored. And you want to reduce the incidents of Silly Season. A human with more to interest them is a human less inclined to indulge in… erratic behaviour.”

“And you believe you can accomplish this with…” T'rev consulted the list, “Tomatoes,” the committee gasped, “Pineapples,” shrieks, “Carbonic acid[1],” the delegate for Kinsh'ar fainted, “And assorted fungal and bacterial fermented lactate products?” At least three of the still conscious committee members murmured in shock and awe.

“And many others, yes, honoured delegate. Your Nutri-Pak liquid meals are everything we need, this is true, but they are not everything we want. We want flavour. You call boredom a plague. Flavour would at least slow that down.”

“Many of these flavours are hazardous to other cogniscent species.”

“We’re willing to eat them in a sealed environment. Come on! We’re going crazy, here.”

“There is no call,” T'rev sniffed, “for threats.”

“It was a plea for mercy.”

Odd that the humans didn’t enjoy being insane too often. Especially considering that that was their base method of operations. “We will consider altering the rules to allow… variety. Within reason.”

“Thank you,” the human sighed. Numerous humans in the audience were high-fiving each other. Considering how vehemently the committee had blocked these aggressive ‘foods’ in the past, mere consideration was a great leap forward.

T'rev couldn’t help but wonder if they were making a huge mistake.

[1] That’s “carbonated water” to the less chemically-inclined.

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