Thursday, Shopping PLNs

Today's usually a day of rest for me. BUT...

I need to get cat food. I need to pick up a few little things. I need to make sure we have enough.

Enough bread. Enough butter. Enough eggs. Enough cheese. That sort of thing.

I have to wait for Costco to open before I get going on that. And it's going to be hot as balls today. My goal is to get what we need and get back into the AC before the maximum.

There's a couple of hours between then and now. I might even get my offerings out before that hour rolls by.

I did get the barest essential ramp made for the shed, but the rest of the gravel has to wait for a cooler hour.

It was already perishing hot when I poured out the second bag of gravel for the ramp.

My yard's going to need a LOT more fortification.

Let's get on with getting on with things.