Challenge #03213-H304: Human Violence

"My dear colleagues and guests, this morning we are going to study human games and how, throughout their history, their games have both brought them together, and caused some of them to tear their own cities apart." -- DaniAndShali

It is often said that many Human games are war by more civilised means. After all, people follow the rules when they're playing a game. The fans of the game are the most dangerous. Their tribal identity lies in the team they support. Their faith stands with that team.

At this point that it must be noted, there is little difference in behaviour when a Human sports team wins... [Image of a group of humans in the same colours overturning parked cars and setting things on fire]... or when they lose. [Image of a different group of humans in the same colours overturning parked cars and setting things on fire.

One of these is an image of Humans celebrating their team's victory, the other is them protesting their team's loss. I challenge you to spot the differences in behaviour.

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