And I Call It That When I'M Teaching My Kids

A 1-post collection

thelastspeecher: I would like to bring up an important point right now. Autistics are literally forced to learn NT social skills,...


I would like to bring up an important point right now.

Autistics are literally forced to learn NT social skills, communication, and body language.  Otherwise we will be openly discriminated against and mistreated.  I was bullied so extensively when I was young that I cried myself to sleep until I learned how to pass as NT and the bullying effectively stopped.

But here’s the thing: we still have our own social skills, communication, and body language that is unique to autistics.  Things like stimming, vocal repetition, and conveying meaning in an unusual way will still happen, particularly around people we can trust.

So if you have an autistic in your life, I want you to learn the same things they did.  I want you to learn how to understand their unique social skills, communication, and body language.  Learn how to read them as easily as you would an allistic.  Return the favor.  It’s the least you could do, and it will make the relationship easier for everyone.

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