Sorry I'm late

AN: This was supposed to be posted yesterday. I think it adequately explains why...

I have had a morning so hectic that it's lasted until this afternoon. I had just brewed up my salty broth, made sure Beloved had theirs, and then I asked a stupid question. Because we finally got the Christmas Bonus [towards the end of JANUARY], I asked if Beloved wanted me with them when they got the behemoth food processor of their dreams or whether they were okay with just bringing it home that evening.

Beloved took an unprompted day off, and took me along on an impromptu Leylands' Tour over hill and dale and all sorts of little nooks to get all kinds of treats.


  • The monster food processor [local]
  • A new iPad Pro [not local]
  • Cartons of coconut cream [not very local]
  • Some organic foodstuffs [also not very local and in another direction]
  • Some grass-fed meats [not really local]
  • A rowing machine [local, and I shit you not. They are the best all-over exercise machine currently on the market]
  • and some new sandals for moi because my feet have shrunk and my old standbys were letting me down. [local]

Take that in again, dear readers. Because I am doing the Ketogenic lifestyle/diet, my feet shrank.

I am now roughly an eight in the shoe department. Or a small nine. Depending on the manufacturer.

My FEET. Lost FAT.

This was supposed to be a day of rest. I think I got more walking done than on my worst Yulemas shopping spree. But I couldn't tell for sure because Dummins I left my phone at home and all the monitoring that could have happened... didn't.


And speaking of that, I am now officially buggered for the rest of the day. I won't be doing very much bar my actual work and initialising said iPad Pro so I can get back on to doodling as I write, and thereby increasing my art skills anew.

Stay tuned for lots of bad portraits of SPG.