Challenge #00587 - A212: Confusing Hilarity

Someone being chased by a goose while others laugh too hard to help.

The humans saw her coming in to the launch pole.

“Up! Up! Up!” They called, using their fleshy hands to gesture the same thought. “Danger! Up!”

She scrambled for the little platform before she dared look down. There, in one of the grazing paddocks, one of the humans’ domesticated avians was chasing a young human keet. Kid.

It was a large bird. Semi-aquatic, judging by the feet. And extremely hostile.

It had teeth on its tongue.

Siriki ran herself through her breathing exercises as she watched the interplay, below.

The humans were laughing, and did little to intervene. From what there was of the conversation, the kid had been advised not to go near the ‘tetchy goosss’. And now the juvenile was learning 'the hard way’.

One human, safely perched atop their ungulate stable, had a musical instrument. The tune ze played bought another chorus of laughter from the observing humans.

It must have had historical significance, since it was music that came about during chase scenes in their local performances.

One day, they may enlighten her to the meaning of 'Yackety Sax’.

The human juvenile, once adequately repentant, got rescued without any harm done. And much joking from the observers.

If she needed any further proof that these were deathworlders… this event would have been it.

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