Challenge #00179: An Affront Taken Aback.

Sara tries her hand at fanfiction.

(Woo, a fanfic about a character invented for fanfiction writing fanfiction. How very meta.)

[AN: Meta, indeed. See how much more meta I can get it]

“Oof. Ugh. Bluh. Oh my good gracious…”

Usually, those were the sounds of Sara on Grease Trap Duty, but these were coming from the library.

Hank knuckled in to investigate, and found Ms Adrien reading the first of the _Twilight_ series at a rapid pace.

“Problematic literature?” he enquired.

Sara smacked the book down into her lap as if swatting a cockroach. “My assignment is to read something outside my comfort zone and then improve on it. I picked the obvious target.” Long fingers held up the volume as if it was a dead rat. “Caveat, I have to finish reading this… thing.”

“A feat worthy of exile from purgatory, methinks?”

“A feat solely ensconced in the nine circles of Hell, rather,” Sara muttered darkly. “Sooner done, sooner starting something fun.”

“…oh dear,” Henry made a beeline for Charles’ office. Best forewarned and forearmed.

He was right, of course. It took two weeks before the cease-and-desist orders came in to prevent Sara finishing her magnum opus, _Tghiliwt_, described in the realms of Fanfiction dot net as, “Twilight with a properly romantic relationship, instead of an abusive one.”

It took another two weeks before the movie deals started filing in.

Sara never did anything by halves.

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