Thursday, Changes and Bread

Today, I am making bread. Or at the very least starting the process.

My starter is maturing in the incubator as I write. I have a couple of hours to do the story and offerings before I do the autolysing and so on. Between stretching sessions, I will be working on side projects.

The loaf experiment this time around is the addition of 1 cup of chia seeds for fibre purposes. It's going to be One Big Lump when it's time for baking. Mostly because I can't be arsed with baking two loaves.

I will be dividing it into slices when cooled and freezing some for later consumption so it doesn't go off on me.

I'm getting my money's worth out of the two kilos of wholemeal flour I got at Aldi, so help me.

My crushed toe is giving me trouble this morning. Being painful and irritable and making me limp.

My PLNs to do two things at once yesterday failed. I was running short on time and just kept myself to some map work.

Poor Beloved is down with a sickness following her holiday. She's handed in her notice at her old job and about to commence a new schedule. Which means I get her undivided attention for the weekends. It's a travel issue.

I might make time to spend some evenings at Adorable's because fairness stuff and time sharing. We'll manage something eventually.

Times of change mean more wrangling until shit's straightened out.

Onwards to the offerings.