I Love Them

A 2-post collection

Random reason to love Steam Powered Giraffe #2

Continuing on from yesterday's attempt to pull you unawares into the fanmily [that's the collective name for the SPG fandom] I bring you yet another reason to love this band.

Today's reason? Their comedic brilliance

They can, have, and will carry a joke around for years [See: The Spine's 'back story' ] including a few from their busking days.

Most of the stage comedy is banter-related. The Spine usually plays the straight man in these episodes, but he has his nerdy moments.

My internet's being a dick at the moment (boo) so I can't currently nest the videos I'd love to share. I've been trying for half an hour, but YouTube's being nasty.

Let's just say that they were not above rickrolling their audience or getting a familiar song confused with an advert. Strictly for comedic purposes of course.

Then there's this thing. Just... watch it. There are no words.

And now? Well... they're getting deeper into their universe. Their official video introductions all include partial dismemberment [thanks to digital trickery] to make it clear that the audience knows that these are robots.

You can 'meet' Hatchworth, The Spine, and Rabbit via each handy link. Please note that some video content may be disturbing to folks unfamiliar with the bots.

It's strange. I know. That's why I love them.