Monday, Doctor's and Debts

It's going to cost us money we don't have yet before I even get my medication. This sucks.

Why the FUCK do we keep trying to be USA Lite?


I am watching the clock and consider myself ready to launch. I shall be doing the biggest offering of the day in the afternoon. least they aren't making us pay to go into the doctor. Only after we get out. [Don't give them ideas dangit]

I can explain we have money tomorrow. I can even show them that we don't have money today. And then pay those debts and get the necessities thereafter.

It's going to suck for a good long while.

On the other hand, we are taking steps to gain notice in the rest of the world so that agents and publishers might want to represent me and therefore launch my career as a (fanfare) Published Author.

...I can hope.

Making my obsession pay the rent is going to help us a lot. When it finally kicks in.