What is a writing prompt exactly? Would it be something like "The Spine's ex-hat" or would it be a descriptive paragraph, or maybe even a...

People send me any darn thing they like. Links to art posts, art, quasi-coherent ramblings… They send me quotes, phrases, paragraphs and, on at least one occasion, single words [“catbug” in case you were wondering. I didn’t know what that was and added a new genetech abomination to my pet universe].

Some scene openers folks have sent me wound up being punchlines. Some have remained scene openers. Some, like today, have been crossover requests.

I will use anything I can get and take it in weird directions. Very possibly into my pet universe. Which I am desperately trying to sell to my dear followers.

I bet I can get a story out of word salad.

Have at me.