rosalyndablack said: One time I was awake for 26 hours. Ouch. Fuck. I feel you. I do. It’s just that my sleep issues are firkin...

rosalyndablack said: One time I was awake for 26 hours.



I feel you. I do. It’s just that my sleep issues are firkin chronic and this shit means that my current all-stops-out measures aren’t efuckingnough any more. It means I have another messed-up week of repeated four-hours-or-less sleep over a passage of days in a row…

and i’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and this is just the jewel in the shitty crown of shitty events to land on my head this fortnight.

I needed new tyres. Chaos needed school fees. I bingled my car [my fault, and the bloody thing was uninsured, so that’s a bigger bill] and now I can’t firkin SLEEP

and beloved will rub it in my face AGAIN that because I can’t turn up at the office regularly, I’d be fired by now

This time, it’s gonna be a hair’s breath between me telling them they’d be fired for their make-your-own-work-hours policy or smacking them squah in the chops…

…and nobody’s buying my firkin’ books…
