Question: Why was the Doctor Who/SPG fic split into three "acts"? Is that how the show is broadcast in Australia, or was it more to show the...

We get our Who fix via the Interwebs :D But there’s still the three act structure in there. After the teaser, there’s always two fade-to-blacks in the three act style. Especially with the New Who.

So I went with that.

Because I can still dream and aspire to be a Who writer :D

In one day, I upheld the Bechdel test, avoided sexism, included more of the flavour of Original Who, and completely bypassed any of the “pronoun who” bullshit we’ve been seeing lately *AND* the “adjective pronoun” bullshit, too. Plus I managed an episode without any death whatsoever. 

Therefore I’m already better than Moffat.