in your series of peter/iris fics i noticed you tend to characterize peter as rather transphobic and misogynistic, i understand he learns...

There’s such a thing as absorbing hateful things without having them known as hateful. In my head cannon, Peter is rather isolated and has intense trouble adapting to things that are the exact opposite of everything he’s learned in academia. He’s learned that the world fits frame A and everything outside of that is, at the very least, disturbing.

For instance: Bobby is a man with Down’s Syndrome. You can bet money that there was an offscreen debate between him and Iris as to whether Bobby was ‘suitable for employment at all’ and Iris promptly schooled him the hell out about it.

And, yes, there is a significant portion of historical accuracy combined with my fumbling for a good and logical reason as to why Pappy would not immediately rectify his mistake instead of making Rabbit wait over 100 years.

Peter is learning. His journey loans significantly from my own. I spent a lifetime raised in the belief that there were only men and women in the world. And that heterosexuality was the only relationship combo there was. Then I learned that there were things outside of that narrow box. I learned that the folks I was taught were “confused” or “abnormal” were still folks with just as much right to exist as myself. My working through that was probably incredibly excruciating to watch, too. Just like Peter’s path to accepting Rabbit for who she is.

Iris has had a strong hand in his education. I may yet write a ficlet where Iris breaks the news about Delilah’s wife to him.

I’m definitely exploring his redemption in the currently final installation of this fic chain. He’s started referring to Rabbit as 'she’ and there WILL be a scene where he’s trying to unriddle making Rabbit feminine without losing features. I may yet include a midnight scene where he apologises for every past thing he’d said that was injurious.

Victorian-era sensibilities and transgender robots don’t mix well.

And kind and loving people can say the most abominable things and still be kind and loving. Just because they never learned any better. I know. I share my life with a few. You love them and cherish them and then this… utterly hateful bullshit comes out of their mouths and you’re just… asdfghjkl about it all. And you can’t stop loving them and sometimes they will NOT learn about the new thing and -yeah- problematic family members are problematic.

And that’s part of Rabbit’s struggle, too.

I hope that’s explained it adequately.