I really admire your writing every day, it's great! Is there any chance you could put the collection up on Ao3 with your other work? Also,...

My excursions onto Ao3 are on hold now that I have a day job.

Basically, by the time I get myself, the brats and whatever shopping I’ve had to get done home… I’m *buggered*. I barely have enough energy to get 500 words in on my pro-WiP, let alone copy/pasting my fic archives.

Sorry it’s taking so long.


When I have a years’ worth of instant stories, they will be going out on Smashwords as a collection. Under the title of “One Year of Instants” it will be Pay What You Want, owing to the volumes of fan fiction in there, and may be available for download as early as February 2014.

Thankyou for your fandom ^_^