Unlikely Heroes

A 145-post collection

Challenge #03850-J198: This is Not a Place of Honour

Gikka has gotten into the bad habit of sticking her hands where they don't belong. Something shiny ends up being something that needs fast treatment, and faster prayers, to save her from losing that hand. Sometimes even a thief needs to learn to be prudent. -- Lessons

Certain words, chained together in a specific way, are a guarantee of doom. In this case, it was Gikka peering into a crevice and saying, "Hey there's something shiny in there!"

Wraithvine said, "It should probably stay there," but it was already too late.

The sticky-fingered little Kobold had decided to attach herself to something shiny. In these kinds of dungeons, a gewgaw like that could only be one of a few things: a load-bearing artifact[1], part of a soon-to-be very unwilling creature[2], or deeply, deeply cursed.

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Challenge #03839-J187: To Guard, Protect, and Defend

A family asks Wraithvine and hir companions if they would be godparents to their children. -- Anon Guest

"Not many people want a Faekindred goodparent[1]," Wraithvine said. "Many of those with origins in Nanogh are... quixotic to say the best of it."

"I know I am," said the Brauniin, popping into visibility as ze leaned over the babies in the cradle. "My blessings come out as curses, it's a whole thing. You might not want me in the equation to be

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Challenge #03834-J182: The Right School

They come upon a town with a fairly advanced academy of magic. Oddly enough, not a single magic item to be found. All the students had to use their own abilities, not gimmicks. -- Anon Guest

There was a twisted tree, shaped by magic into several rooms and chambers with purpose. There was shaped stone merged into it. There were groves growing hazel wood, there was a river lined with interesting stones. There were built structures clustered in and around it, making

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Challenge #03789-J136: Well Met by Campfire

Wraithvine wakes up to find a group set up a camp around hir camp. Under the cloche by him is tea, some now cooled, fresh buns, and some fresh fruit. His friends were also being offered friendly repast. -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine returned to consciousness and the grip of gravity to the early rays of dawn. As well as the realisation that someone had been in their camping spot.

There was a nice herbal tea waiting in a nearby teapot, as well

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Challenge #03757-J104: The Horrors of War

A playful poltergeist keeps pestering Wraithvine's apprentice. The kid is stuck in this world, not sure how to move to the next. So, instead, starts pestering the living, as any kid would, trying to get attention. -- Anon Guest

Some souls can't be returned to their bodies. Those who were killed in such a way that their body was obliterated have no body to return to. Even with the strongest resurrection spell at hand. The army of the risen were gathering as

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Challenge #03755-J102: The Best Hat in the World

Wraithvine and friends were riding in a carriage to the next village. A small child kept giggling, trying to swipe the pointed hat, wanting to wear it. The parent sighed with patience trying to get the somewhat rambunctious toddler to settle. -- Anon Guest

Gikka had to ride on the roof, under the close watch of the carriage guard. Strodius was wedged into a corner and incapable of movement. The Hellkin next to him was barely capable of crochet. There was one

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Challenge #03752-J099: Will and Testimony

A traveling apothecary who is an immensely skilled herbalist, sees Wraithvine, his apprentice, Gikka, and their cat. Knowing Wraithvine's good deeds, they offer an entire medical kit to Wraithvine as a gift, no strings attached. -- Anon Guest

The cart was pretty big, and the instant that Dulienna Pestlegrind started unfolding it, anyone could see why. Most of it was cupboards and containers and a multitude of folders that, in turn, contained small amounts of very potent ingredients.

"I've made a lifetime

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Challenge #03749-J096: Safety Inspection

A magical amusement park, rides and all, has been built. Wraithvine and friends are asked to evaluate it for safety before opening to the public. -- Anon Guest

This was much more than a merry-go-round, a ferris wheel, and a pitch-a-ring stall. Some were entertainments that hadn't been seen since the last gilded age of high magic. A giant steam engine was prepared to run a band of bardic automatons and a mechanical giraffe, for some reason.

Wraithvine was here for the

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Challenge #03747-J094: Roughing It

A long time ago, an experiment in making antimagic fields exploded contaminating a large area of the forest. The forest healed, the magic did not. Any magic user traveling through will find, in the days of being in that forest, they cannot use their magic. -- Anon Guest

War has been with the world since one intelligent being looked at another and decided to throw a rock. Or a sharp stick. The records are non-existent. War ruins many things, and they can

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Challenge #03738-J085: Gently Pressed to Service

Wraithvine, along with hir apprentice, Gikka, and hir cat, walk into a city that has recently suffered a major natural disaster. Instead of greetings, the group is pressed into service as people are rushing around trying to treat the injured, rescue the trapped, and save as many lives as possible. The guard knew it was rude, but this was an emergency. -- Anon Guest

"You lot! You're walking! Get over here and help. A Kobold! Wonderful! Please, the biggest need is this

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Challenge #03733-J080: One Lengthy Break in a Resort Town

Yes I am stealing a very silly anime trope that's often used in comedic series especially.

Wraithvine's apprentice accidentally walks in on hir while Wraithvine is having a shower. Oops! -- Anon Guest

[AN: Someone please explain to me why this is funny? I don't get it]

Pressurised water, heated from the nearby volcanic springs, was one of the draws of Gildfont. There was a bathhouse on every corner and most of them were focussed on getting their visitors clean.

It was

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Challenge #03731-J078: Cracked Logic

"How...how.. did you... defeat me? I was so powerful!"

"But you acted without knowledge or thought."

"I don't get it!"

"Alright, before you go to prison, a brief lesson. Remember this. Power without knowledge is useless, it's like having a huge, beautiful, cart, and no animal to pull it. And knowledge, even the smallest amounts, is a power all on it's own." -- Lessons

Exploding magical devices only did so much good for his final attack on his old master. The

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Challenge #03726-J073: A Lighter Lesson

Some children, giggling, having a snowball fight, toss a few at Wraithvine, Gikka, and hir apprentice mage. They ask the travelers to please, come play. -- Anon Guest

Winter is rarely the favoured season of the dragon-kindred. Even one with a Ring of Elemental Resistance, like Gikka did, was prone to get pouting and grumbly in snowy weather. Just as Gikka was doing now.

"You're all right," Gikka complained. "You're only in the snow up to your knees. Meanwhile, I'm waist deep

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Challenge #03714-J061: Change a Life, Change the World

Wraithvine to the pickpocket. "What are you doing?"

The pickpocket to Wraithvine. "I'm hungry."

Gikka, smiling. "We have a cure for that." -- Anon Guest

Some precautions are very wise to heed. Never eat a Kobold's cooking without knowing exactly what went into it. Never call a Hellkin 'teuf' if you want to live the day. And never, ever try to pick a pocket of a Wizard.

Scram was finding this out, looking to get one of the sweet buns

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Challenge #03707-J054: Response Beyond Rime or Reason

Some, slightly drunk, mix of young half-elves and humans sneak up behind Wraithvine and friends, and drench them in ice cold water as a prank. Thank goodness, the day WAS rather hot, though the idiots THOUGHT they were being funny. -- Anon Guest

It was a common prank. First step was to have the common spell of Frosty Touch. Second step was to have at least one pail of water. The prankers chill the water until it was gelid. Then they picked

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