Challenge #00883-B152: Stress Indicators


“But… I can’t be an ambassador,” Lalama protested. “I’d be the worst. HIC! There’s a reason -hic- there’s a reason -hoik- a reason I -hic- I went for -hiku- for Oort mining.”

“Well understood,” said Ruraha. She was a saurian. “Galactic law is not on your side. Friend Yayama… is breathing problem medical-dangerous?”

“No, I -hic- I just get -hyurk- get hiccups when -hroooip- when I’m nerv– HIC! Nervous.”

“But… you are Deathworlder. None of any may harm you…”

“Tell -hic- that -hic- to my -hic- anxiety.”

Ambassador Lalama of Beach was the first known Deathworlder to come to the Meet with a security object. She was not the first ambassador to need a hiding-cover.

Her co-ambassador for Beach, a bottlenose dolphin called Ii’ii’a, was also not the first to need a pool.

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