Your attention please.

You may have noticed that I finally got the lead out and published the long-awaited third instalment to my trilogy: Hevun’s Gate.

You may have also picked up on the fact that I am more or less slightly broke.

So here’s a short list of things you can do that don’t cost you shit, but still help me out.

  1. Reblog anything you love. Like my short stories? Reblog them. Like my post about my book? Reblog it. Getting an audience is 90% of the battle for ANY author and I’m no exception.

  2. Spread the word. Tell your friends. Share the best of my writings around. Quote me on your blog. Do it. It will boost my ego and generate buzz.

  3. Leave a review/rating. People judge books by how many others have been there before them. Leave any newcomers with the impression that my book is well worth the money

  4. Fanarts. Did I inspire you to draw? Brilliant! Just remember to leave a link back to where you got it so people can see what the fuss is about.

  5. Power Point Slideshows. I have no idea why, but people on Tumblr love these things, so knock yourself out. Make dozens. Share them with everyone. And tell me so I can scatter them liberally throughout my queue.

  6. Tell other social media. I’m not big into Facebook, Instagram, Pintrest or anything else that’s going around and I only tweet rarely. But if you can add a link back to the place to buy it? Plaster that sucker all over the place.

I need a fandom, and my future is literally in your hands. Don’t just reblog this post. Reblog everything that is mine that you love. Share me with your friends and followers. Create some other stuff on the #Amalgam Universe and #Hevun’s Child tags.

We have to generate some serious buzz. Not just now, but always.

My budget needs you.

Feel free to use the following bitly links:

Thank you for your love, time and devotion.