Why I need $600 in a hurry

This is how hot it was at my desk when I finally finished my pro writing for the day at 10:30 AM. It gets hotter, but I didn't want to be around for that. You understand that it's very uncomfortable in here. [Temperatures are 35.5 Celcius and 96 Fahrenheit]

I do have an air conditioner, but at the moment, it's not cooling the air. It's no better than a fan, and it doesn't even blow my way.

My options currently include getting all my writing done as early as possible, and then moving to cooler rooms when I'm done. Alas, as primary parental for two little darlings with ASD, I also need my early morning time for barking order out of chaos.

Of course Beloved blames me for "playing" with my computer instead of doing the parental thing. I can't bilocate. Beloved doesn't get out of bed before 8AM. If I do the parental stuff and write later, I will roast alive.

Hell, the temperature's risen two degrees since I started writing this.

I need to hurry.

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