theclockworkowl: upside-down-sky: Because harassment happens to all genders. But guys get the short end of the stick when it comes to...



Because harassment happens to all genders. But guys get the short end of the stick when it comes to cosplay and consent.I intend to change this. Even if it’s a small change.

Flighting the concept on my personal page, so let me know what you guys think? You’re more than welcome to inbox me your experiences as a male cosplayer, you’ll stay anonymous.

Borrowed from THE INTERNET:

• Avoid using degrading language.  This applies to Expo social media as well.  Commenting on someone’s body in a way that is derogatory is considered sexual harassment and our convention won’t stand for it.  

• Rape jokes, or jokes that are marginalizing to someone, are not funny. Please don’t make them, and if you feel that you have been the subject of such harassment, please come forward to Expo staff so that the issue can be dealt with confidentially.

• Always be respectful of someone’s physical space. It can be pretty close quarters at the Expo during peak hours, but that’s no excuse for inappropriate behavior.

Finally, perhaps most importantly…

• Always remember – we are ALL people.  Gender, age, ethnicity, orientation notwithstanding – we are each individuals who deserve to be treated as such.  

*This is a non profit project done out of the love for people.

All of this is unacceptable