"Team No Hoes" Shockingly Violates Woman's Medical Privacy

“Team No Hoes” Shockingly Violates Woman’s Medical Privacy

OK, so this is about the most effed up thing that has happened to women in a while (which is saying a lot.) Today, in "Full-Grown Adults Acting Like The Meanest Kids You Went To Middle School With," a woman in Cincinnati was horror-stricken to learn that the results of her STD test had been made public. Two hospital employees took it upon themselves to post this woman's name and her sensitive medical information to a 2200-member-strong Facebook group called "Team No Hoes." The screenshot of the test results was followed by a barrage of comments labeling the woman a "hoe" and "slut." The Cincinnati woman's attorney, Mike Allen, stated that his client "... was absolutely devastated. That is the most private of private medical information that was posted on Facebook and went out to a group on Facebook that had a huge dissemination." The woman in question is suing two employees from the UC Medical Center where she was tested, who allegedly procured and posted ...

Reason why we need feminism number five bajillion….