Stories for you!

I figured it’s half-past time I did a little bit more self-promotion. Bear with me.

I’m writing a story a day. Every day. They can be in fandom or in my pet universe. And since I’m also involved in the fic wars, I’m doing my utmost to tug at my readers’ heartstrings at the same time.

For the fandoms, I am into:

Star Trek [I will have a go at writing ANY incarnation of Trek]

Doctor Who


Girl Genius


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

The Vorkosiverse… and pretty much anything by Lois McMasters Bujold

One story a day. Every day. Inspired by prompts from you. If you look in my feed, you’ll see that I keep count of how many prompts that I have left. Test me. See what I can come up with.