robotramshackle: davidmichaelbennett: ohpierre: davidmichaelbennett: Makeup done. Did the majority of it while laying on the floor in...





Makeup done.

Did the majority of it while laying on the floor in pain. It’s not too terrible for holding a mirror above my head. The 10 foot rule right? Now let’s see how long I can stand before having to lay down again.

omg one of your eyebrows is eskew?

But duuuude if you have the cancel the show dude, do it, no one wants to see you flop over on stage. We would understand.

No worries, we are not canceling the show.

Venue is rented, lighting rented, tech people all hired, and all the pieces are in place. Gotta fund the show by putting it on. The show will go on no matter what, even if I am on my back the entire show playing guitar and singing.

It will be quite the show either way.

Still you need a little break. :/ 

Dear David:

You need to look after yourself, dammit! We love you and definitely do NOT want to watch you suffer. That shit’s for H/C fanfic only.

So, a few little things from someone who’s sorta-suffered the same way:

  1. MOTHERFUCKING IBUPROFEN! Get that shit into you. It reduces swelling and may even do something for the pain. Yes, you can mix it with acetaminophen and have no harm come to you. Not sure about aspirin. You may want to google that.

  2. MEDICAL BLOODY CORSETS. Might help. Might not help. Rent one and see if it does anything for you. Wearing one may help your back be a little less owie.

  3. OVERDOSE ON THAT DAMN VITAMIN C! I shit you not, taking a double-dose of vitamin C helps keep all those predatory head colds off your ass. I’ve been doing ODonC for  two years and have not had a Lurgi since.

  4. DON’T MOVE HEAVY SHIT FFS! Avoiding injury is the best way to not get hurt. Doy. I’m fairly certain everyone else will understand that you have your limits and an ounce of prevention far outweighs having you lying on the floor and feeling awful for days at a time.

  5. Bonus round: COLLOIDAL BOLLOCKING SILVER! Yes, it’s granola hippie weirdo shit, but it actually fucking works. It has amazing goddamn healing properties and you should at least try it for a month and see how life goes for you.

::pants out remaining exasperation:: This is not how suffering for art is supposed to go. Got it?