My Continuing Adventures in Frugal Freedom Finding

Keep in mind that I’m rounding out prices and, for everyone’s protection, I am obscuring the shops’ names. Clever readers will be able to figure it out in no time at all, I am certain.

As I write this, I have recently returned from a mat-hunt. Anyone who’s played WoW and does not want to spend a fortune at the Auction House knows what that’s about. You go out grinding for materials, or mats for short.

So here’s the breakdown:

* Coolite foam boxes from Grocery Shop C: Free! [Just spin them a tale depending on the volume you desire, they don’t really care]

* 40kilos of rocks from Garden Shop M: $20

* 2 rolls of cheap-arse gutter mesh (Same shop): $4

* One small flex-tub (Same shop): $5

* Side cutters or wire snips (Same shop): $7 

* Impulse-bought set of box cutters: $4

* big packet of 1000 paperclips (10 boxes of 100) from Stationers O: $11

* Compost tumbler I’ve had sitting around for a while: $600 [I think. I got $1000 back from the govt. Yay!]

* Pickets we’ve had lying around for about 10 years: Price forgotten [If you don’t have pickets you can scrounge any old thing to lift your boxes up. You can even use the old “college bookshelf” method of bricks and planks]

* Sweat-equity: (y)our precious, precious time and effort.

It took about three hours to round all this lot up, including finding some stuff I didn’t exactly need for the garden…

I plan on setting up in the afternoon, when hubby will be more amenable to mowing and setting up. That is when I will take some pictures and document everything for my next blog. And that is when all my loyal readers find out what the flying hell I’m doing with all this shite.

Stay tuned, freedom fighters!