geekhyena: seananmcguire: jetwolf: seananmcguire: jetwolf: breakingnews: Vials of smallpox discovered in Maryland lab USA TODAY:...







Vials of smallpox discovered in Maryland lab

USA TODAY: Smallpox was discovered in a National Institutes of Health storage room last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Tuesday.

Officials say there is no indication that anyone was exposed to the smallpox. The FBI and CDC are investigating how these samples ended up in the storage room.

Photo: This 1975 file electronmicrograph from the Centers for Disease Control shows the smallpox virus. (AP/CDC/via USA TODAY)

I can’t help but feel that VIALS OF DEADLY DISEASES should not be treated like I do empty Amazon boxes. “What should we do with this?” “Eh, put it in the storeroom, it might come in handy.”

And see, I feel the exact opposite.


Do you wanna catch a virus,

A really novel pathogen,

It has a really great R-naught,

And you know once it’s caught,

It’s free to spread again!

It’s like a little hug that

You can give your friends

When they’re not next to you…

Do you wanna catch a virus?

It doesn’t have to be a virus…

So, ah-choo.

BEST. Once again, seananmcguire makes pathogens AWESOME

Things like this convince me that the world will not end with maniacal laughter, but with an embarrassed “Oops.”