Challenge #04114-K096: Earned Gratitude

H - I have.... WAY too much Time.

G - "You've worked hard you've earned that pay."

H - I didn't do that much.

G - "You signed the agreement including how much we were going to pay you."

H - Are you certain about this?

G - "Of course, your work has been absolutely invaluable to us."

H - It still... feels like I'm cheating... ripping you off.

G - "I assure you, you're not." -- The New Guy

I honestly don't know what to do with it. I'm just an orbital collections agent. I fly my netship through the shipping lanes and cash in anything I catch for a little extra on top of earning my living. It's not much, but it's necessary. And it's not as if I had the skills to do much else.

I used to work all day just to live to work the next. And then I did something that got me fired and threatened with prison. I answered a distress call and towed an Alliance ship to an abandoned military facility.

I just about destroyed my netship engine doing it. Inertia's always been my copilot, but these folks were running on fumes and stale air. Every orbital collector I knew also knew we could recharge our air for free because the army never reclaimed their algae farms. Milking fresh air from them is casual crime that everyone ignores. Going on there to cake a few algae cakes is written off as an over-sensitive alarm system. Letting extra-nationals on there to just wander around and see where the gutting happened? That's a step too far.

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