Challenge #03983-J331: Snow Falls Fast on the Crown That Cares

"Those who actively seek power, seek a throne, will end up having neither, nor do they oft deserve them. Those who have such thrust upon them unwilling, and then seek to use them for the sake of others, realize the true weight, and are needed there." -- Anon Guest

Briar very rarely used her full name. It took up too much time and the people of U'ah had a long tradition of an 'urgency' eke name. "Baroness Henriette Bri'arillain Kalamitee U'ah, get down!" would certainly get her killed, but, "Briar, duck!" had saved her skin more often than not. She was one of the very few who were permitted to have a sword ready during the Baronial Meet, and under the eyes of her lord, the Earl Whitekeep.

The other with that privilege was her wife.

She had watched Earl Valiant from his rise to the power of the Blood Throne, through to his nigh-despotic end. During those decades, she was reminded again and again of her father's wise words: "Snow falls fast on the crown that cares."

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