Challenge #03978-J326: Fel Fortunes

My fate is to be a demon king. Just like my father, and his father before him. But I don't want to be a king. I am a demon, but I just want to live a peaceful life. Kind wizard, what do I do? Can you help me change my fate? -- Anon Guest

[AN: There is a difference between Actual Demons, who would never say this thing, and Hellkin, who are called demons by the ignorant public]

"The one in Whitekeep changed everything. Pax Infernus allowed my father to announce his truth. And mine. They've had a few years to get used to 'demons' in charge. At least they're not calling us 'teufs'," The young prince sighed, reaching for a charm that was no longer attached to his right horn. "I never wanted to be king. The longer my father sat the throne, the happier I was and then..."

"The plague," said Wraithvine. "It hit the Hellkin hard. You were lucky to escape it."

"I won't ever escape my truth, but I'd rather escape the blame. People have decided that I'm grasping for power. That I somehow made the plague hit while I was in a boarding school on the other side of the continent. With very thin resources, mind."

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