Challenge #03627-I339: Legally Bound

“I finally created the ultimate slave contract where the victim is enslaved by their own free will, they may be able to break it anytime but the repercussion will be emotionally immense.” “My lord, these are just adoption papers

oh here’s part 2 -- Anon Guests

[AN: I can only guess that these are from two different Nonnies, but the second link supplied leads only to the first bit. Alas, alack]

Lord Aszhatt glared at the seneschal. "But they must fear me, love me, do as I say... I have the ultimate control over their entire life."

Seneschal Pirseptiv sighed. "You had that power before, my lord. The only difference here is that you have... personal oversight."

The former orphan had been watching the interplay. "Iz Dada?"

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