Challenge #03614-I326: Soup and Nonsense

"¡Por favor, no me toques, tengo miedo!"

La persona recién liberada miró alrededor de la estación desconocida con dolor, terror y necesitaba ayuda con urgencia. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Translated to English by DuckDuckGo- "Please don't touch me, I'm afraid!" The newly released person looked around the unknown station in pain, terror, and needed help urgently.]

Strangers. Strangers everywhere. It had been a long trip in the cold with poor oxygen and worse food. The Culpeo running the ship had charged too much for a journey that was frought with too many perils. Then they had simply opened the doors and told everyone still alive to run and never look back.

The corpses would be discharged in a Sargasso System somewhere. No memorials, no markers, no documents. Just one more frozen body amidst the rest of the starfaring flotsam. Circling around an inconsequential star.

Karo had run until they nearly collapsed. The air was cleaner, but the environment wasn't much warmer. And there were no other bodies - alive or dead - to huddle against for warmth. They remembered walking, sort of stumbling vaguely forwards, looking for somewhere warm. And then waking up with exactly what they wished for.

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