Challenge #00742 - B011: You Stole What?

To paraphrase Die Hard:

“Now I have a Death Star. Ho Ho Ho.”

“This is your claim. A dwarf planet in a Sargasso. Big whoop.”

“It’s not a dwarf planet,” said Lenn Ybalius. She was busy watching her controls and making certain she piloted her way in on certain vectors.

“Oh, you hijacked a moon,” singsonged Prella. She had a low opinion of her business partner. “That’s above your usual standards. I’m impressed.”

“That’s no moon,” cooed Lenn, and pressed a remote.

The doors opened, shedding a light cloud of dust and revealing a fully operational battle station within.

“You’re kidding me,” said Prella.

“You know that Long Haul wormhole that nobody’s ever been all the way down?”


“I’m nobody.” Lenn grinned. “That thing was on the other end of it and I managed to pilot it all the way over to my already-claimed Sargasso.”

The bay was large enough to fit more than just their little vessel. Heck, there were some stations out there that were smaller than this drydock bay.

“It was working when I found it. Hell of a power system. Plasma reactors and all still going after who knows how long. All I had to do was install some atmosphere and a food system and boom. Home sweet home. And all the space you could need. Hell, I even put a safety grill over that one vent that’s like an achilles’ heel to the whole place.”

“Achilles heel,” Prella repeated. “An area of critical vulnerability. You… salvaged the entire thing?”

“Yeah, the weapons system needed like five hundred people to operate it, so I just pulled that thing to pieces for the salvage value. Didn’t need it anyway. Nobody knows it’s here except us.” Lenn smiled as she opened the doors to her vessel. “Merry christmas.”

“There’d be… no limits. We could have all the children we want.”

“And decorate how we want. And the scrounge from the Sargasso is literally pulled towards our doors. Life of luxury, babe. Just like I promised.”

Prella was speechless, wandering around the pristine halls in a daze. “I take back every single mean thing I ever said about you.”

“I knew you didn’t mean it. Come on. I’ll show you the executive suite. Aka our rooms.”

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