What. The Actual. Fuck!

Just when you thought it was safe to re-enter the world (with adequate protection and social distancing)... Just when the good news of the flattening curve or a light at the end of the crisis tunnel is starting to dawn...

The fuckshit blooms like a god-damned FUNGUS.

For once, this is not an action by the Muppet, but an alleged doctor who recommends breathing in nebulised hydrogen peroxide to treat "viral respiratory illnesses". [ Source ]. Sure. Breathe in aerosolized motherfucking BLEACH to rid yourself of disease.

It's more likely to melt your lungs from the inside than actually do anything against covid. In brief: Do not do this, you will die.

In other news, the Britons are getting their covid advice from a roasted tuber:

I showed it to Beloved and they watched it twice to make certain they had just seen what they had just seen. It's real. It exists. I find it personally hilarious and I am both boggled and croggled as to exactly WHY they chose a baked potato to be the mascot for this thing.


Profiteers abound. Scammers trying to trick folks out of their money by pretending to be WHO representatives. People selling supplies they over-purchased at a fantastic mark-up to those desperate and without. There's some folks selling homemade masks on their Etsy accounts, but that's WAY different to selling a bog roll to the highest bidder.

How to tell the difference: Remember what a thing generally costs and, if that price is WAY higher than it should be, move the heck away from the salesplace.

It costs to make masks by hand, so maybe practice making one according to instructions and then figure out how much you're willing to pay someone else to do that for you and possibly better than you did it. There you go. You have an acceptable price range.

The good news is that Australia's curve might be flattening out. If we keep the protocols up until the virus finally peters out, then proper sanity could return. I, for one, can't wait to actually find flour on the shelves again.

Speaking of sanity, my creativity is slowly edging back. I've been able to write entire section in a fanfic of mine without fighting anything onto the page. Huzzah.

Ah well. Onwards with today's tale.