Wednesday - Day Four

I know what I'm doing with Wordpress Wednesday, and it's A Chapter Of... Not just a chapter of an unedited novel I have finished, but a chapter of a thing that I've written before and during the plague. A thing that, though it won't earn me a red cent [because Wizards of the Coast will probably sue me if I try lol], gave me immense joy to read and write in a very stressful time.

I would come back to it again and again and, though I would sometimes write nothing new in there, I gained solace from it. There was no pressure, external or internal, to finish it. It was just there for me to enjoy myself with.

And let's be honest, the last time I shared something like that on AO3, it got zero interest and feedback. I might as well put these in an arena that's made of zero interest and feedback.

Let's look at the headlines:

  • Muppet insists on an investigation in order to make Biden look bad so he can cast doubt on Biden's integrity like a dude casting a shadow by standing in the light
  • Key cause of Karens spreading plague in Victoria is: "Humans aren't necessarily rational"
  • The rules are working to curb the plague though
  • Woman on a plane in the US dies of Covid-19
  • Byron Bay beach eroded by rising waves and extreme weather
  • They're not saying it's climate change, but it's climate change
  • Tiny towns get attention on Aussie roadsigns because they are hubs to other places and no other reason, insist real estate moguls
  • ASIO warns Australia of the right wing taking advantage of Covid-19 to push their agenda. Given how bloody silly the US right wing has become, please be warned
  • Artist inserts himself into graphite art of Michael Jordan's iconic dunk, thus upholding centuries of art tradition

At least there is no longer a huge mud cake to tempt me with sugary evil. I may actually get back on the Keto that has been so helpful in my past.

But for now? I should post something on Wordpress. Story real soon now.