
A 3-post collection

Challenge #03840-J188: Foundling Families

A dying human with a kind heart had been given a Wishing Stone. Clutched in the elderly hand, they made their wish. All children, especially infants, in their world abandoned in middens, abandoned in the forests, or otherwise left to die in would vanish from the place that would otherwise be their deathbeds, and reappear in a place there they could be safe and grow up cared for. That final wish, cost them their final breath, but they died peacefully knowing many would be spared. -- Anon Guest

He had spent his life trying to save the unwanted from a cruel fate. Now that life was at an ebb. One of his eldest rescues had come back to see him. Ze had been adventuring, and returned with a wish.

It looked like a river-stone, apart from the fact that it was softly glowing in every colour the world could contain.

"One wish, Da," said Falavor. "One wish to change the world. I couldn't think of anything better than to give it to you."

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Challenge #03830-J178: One Wish Away

What is this? It's a Wish-Mirror. It shows you the hard, cold, truth to what will happen if you make your wish. It does not sugar coat anything. If you can live with what you see, then I will grant you a wish. But remember, you saw the consequences for yourself, so it's not like you have not been forewarned. -- Anon Guest

If you have a wish, and want it guaranteed, there is only one way to get it. It is

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Challenge #03701-J048: As You Wish

An elderly individual comes up to Gikka, while Wraithvine is giving lessons to his apprentice wizard, and the elder holds out a necklace shaped like a dragon in flight that glows with immense power. What is this charm? It holds the power to grant one wish. Any wish the wearer wants to make. But it only works once, then all the magic in it will be gone. -- Anon Guest

A wish is a terrible burden. Anyone who has one knows this.

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