
A 3-post collection

Challenge #03851-J199: The Wolf at the Door

InterNutter, you're right, this would make a good prompt.

Chain, still in therapy and being monitored by security, constantly hid behind the security officer any time someone raised their voice or appeared angry for some reason. It was obvious the security was seen as a comfort. Rather than protecting others from Chains, protecting Chains from their constant fear. -- DaniAndShali

One would think that Security Officers would be wearing full battle-rated livesuits, whilst being armed to the teeth. Such an idea is completely wrong. If your security teams are trained for battle, to shoot first and ask questions later, you're doing it wrong.

Security personnel, done right are dressed in soft cloth and see to it that things never escalate to the point where battle-rated livesuits become necessary.

That was the first thing that Chain truly learned.

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Challenge #03754-J101: Broken, Free

Even the CRC security were going to need therapy after seeing THAT mess. The body looks like it'd been through ten levels of hell before being allowed to die. The shaking person in the center, rocking, weeping, knife in hand, still bore the shackles of their bane, before they flipped, and freed themselves. -- Anon Guest

Their name was Chain, and they had died. They should have died. They remembered the feel of the blade, their stolen blade, slicing through their throat.

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Challenge #03441-I153: One Picnic Date in Sunlit Park

I noticed in the stories she talks about a cruel master. Yet in the stories when she started, she was rescued as an infant in the creches when the factory that made beings like her, selling them as slaves, was found by the CRC and shut down. Was she kidnapped and abused at one point?

internutter744 hours ago

That is because I forgot my own continuity XD

Gonna have to sandwich in an abuser at some point blargh.

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