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A 3-post collection

Thursday, Rushed and Bamfoozled

I forgot about Wordpress Wednesday, yesterday. Caught up this morning with what it was likely to be anyway: another installation of the fanficcy version of A Devil's Tale. The pro version of which is going to be 111 chapters and is STILL nowhere near being finished.

I'm getting closer to individuating all the chapters for mum. I may change the folder name so it's more universal. And if the Master Document won't let me edit it any more, I can always write the individual chapters "live".

So far, editing the longer doc is merely irritating. I have lived with immense amounts of lag before.

Stitching it all together might be a problem for Future InterNutter and hir editor. Maybe. I shall seek advice from the writing group when the time comes.

Less panicking about tomorrows that may never arrive. More dealing with the stuff in front of me.

I still have tagging, chambering, and chapter individuation to do. Which will probably happen sideways because of course it will.

I'm used to it at this point.

Let's get stuff done.

Daily Opus: Challenge #00092: Long Green

Daily Opus: Challenge #00092: Long Green



X-Men:Evolution/Girl Genius crossover. Perhaps Forge's dimensional tinkering goes awry yet again? I'd be curious to see as to how you'd do it.... :3

Somewhere outside of Mechanicsburg...

Gil was cold. This was not a surprise because he was in the middle on the very pointy mountain range that was…

[Trying to make this rebloggable by request.]

Is it working?

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