Publisher Hunt

A 6-post collection

Friday, Teh PLN

Miss Chaos comes home this afternoon. Which means we can perhaps get all the nonsense together for the NDIS sign on process. The longer we procrastinate, the worse it gets for her. Therefore we need to get a wriggle on.


Why is everything both needlessly complicated and also expensive? It's not fair.

Today, I do another chamber. After I sift through ten potential publishers and find the ones who may be amenable to my nonsense. I procrastinated out of doing it yesterday so now I'm making it part of my routine. Disheartening though it is to find two out of ten, it's still better than zero.

Getting problems out of the way has to be a nibble-to-death situation.

When all the things come at once, one dang thing at a time feels like an endless marathon. I want to rest, damnit.

I want to be rich enough to not have to worry about these things ;_; Sigh.

Onwards to story! Onwards to content! Onwards to teh PLN.

Two Down...

Nine hundred and Ninety-eight to go. I got a response from my last query and...

[Shown here: Rejection #2 from D4EO agency]

My writing is evidently not compelling. Okay. I was also given the tip to tell folks more about myself. Agents want to know about the authors, even when the authors think of themselves as dull.

Next to pitch towards in PSLiterary and I honestly can't remember if I've sent Adapting their way previously or no. It's a three-paragraph query letter

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I did it!

I sent Adapting off and now the waiting game begins. The last potential publisher gets to wait until July or the other lot gets back to me, whichever happens first. They are my last, best hope (help me Obi-Wan Kenobi...). One gets back in 30 days, so word by the 12th of March or they don't want me. Their loss.

But I did it. I was brave and sent off the files they demanded. Yay me. Now I have most of an

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I Just Wanna Goof Off

What I gotta do:

  • This blog
  • Instant story
  • 1000 words so I can get up to 15K in B'Nar
  • Figure out and obtain a birthmas gift for Mayhem

What I want to do:

  • Space out
  • Play games
  • Watch/listen to Critical Role
  • Sleep more

Not only did I stay up later than normal, last night, but I'm also battling the "nobody wants me" worm-eatin' blues. All because the publishing house I sent Adapting to has not yet got back to me about

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Time Flu

I don't know what's going on with me, but it might be interesting to look into it. My batteries are regularly drained by the end of the day. Protein doesn't help. Sugar certainly won't. Having a meal doesn't quite get me back up there, but the willingness to cook it is missing.


I probably have the morbs plus anxiety because trying to sell Adapting is getting to me. That and the fact that I'm only halfway towards the Lappy of my

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The wait begins

I could not recover the email that my system ate. Woe. So I rewrote it. And sent it. And now I am merely attempting to not perish from the sheer anxiety of it.

8th House, the first publisher on the block, has stated nothing about simultaneous submissions nor a turn-around time. Darn. I feel like I should wait until September before trying another publisher, repeat in October, and then lurk off the radar until February. Thus avoiding the stench of NaNo.


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