Man Up And Just Enjoy Stuff

A 1-post collection

tmcb:squidbles:If you're male and watch Steven Universe, then watch Steven Universe. You don't need a useless fandom tag like "Gemtlemen" or...



If you’re male and watch Steven Universe, then watch Steven Universe. 

You don’t need a useless fandom tag like “Gemtlemen” or “Gembro” or “Bro Brobrobro” to do it, just watch it as is. Dumb tags like that are as useless as those awkward “This is not a KIDS show” posts that people use to justify watching certain shows. 

Just watch the shows you enjoy and just chill. 

Plus, you don’t need to “bro” anything up to justify watching it because that sort of mentality leads to toxic events that screws up everything(for example, the “bronies” mentality and how it drove fans of MLP to quickly distance themselves from that toxic term because of the mess that infests around it.)


Watch it.

If you want to watch it, or if you enjoy watching it.

And chill.

Plus, half of Steven Universe’s messages are about shattering gender roles. If you give yourself a crappy male-only fan name to use, you’re only telling everyone that you don’t even understand the point of what you’re watching; you just want to take another fandom and turn it into a gross dudes-only club.