Lost Joke

A 1-post collection

Challenge #00698 - A333: Rituals of Nerditry

A “Hu’s on first” routine


A “The bowler’s Holding” moment

Two humans, both wearing suits, stood on the otherwise empty stage.

“Heeeeeey, Abbott,” said the smaller one.

“Yes, Costello?” said Abbott.

“I hear you made captain of the local neighbourhood baseball team.”

“That’s correct. I did. I’m rather proud.”

“I’d like to know the names of some of the guys on your team, so if I meet ‘em on the street I can say 'hey’ to them.”

“Well, let’s see… Hu’s on first, Watt’s on second and Aedoknao’s on third. What silly names.”

“How’s that?”

“I say, Hu’s on first, Watt’s on second and Aedoknao’s on third.”

“That’s what I want to find out.”

A saurian in the audience leaned over to whisper in Ambassador Sahra’s ear. “I do not understand this human interchange.”

“Neither do I,” she whispered back. “Reckon sump'in got lost in translation.”

“Well then who’s on first?” asked Costello.

“Yes,” said Abbott.

The audience remained silent, except for Ambassador Shayde, who was giggling.

“My thanks,” whispered the saurian. “I do believe I know who to ask.”

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